
Sunday, October 04, 2015

Month three // babe favorites

Sutton girl is a whopping THREE months old. She isn't considered a newborn anymore, and that breaks my heart! But i'm so excited to watch her grow! Here's our favorites list for month three!

1. Oball rattle // This was the first thing Sutton grabbed on her own. Its so easy for them to pick up and move around. The first toy she loves playing with!

2. Toy elephant // This cute little elephant hangs from her car seat and keeps her entertained while momma spends hours walking around Target with a pumpkin spice latte :) Plus, it's much cuter than most other hanging toys!

3. Baby Einstein Jumper // I have only had this jumper for a day, because we went and picked it up yesterday. Sutton is getting older and much more aware. She also holds her head and neck up very well on her own. So, I was looking for something to entertain her that she could grow into. The box says 4+ months. But like I said she holds her head all on her own. It supports her well also, and she loves looking around at everything. She's constantly moving so this has been perfect for her! I looked at tons of other brands and designs and i'm glad we decided on this one!

4. Fleece sleepsuit // I have three of these sleep suits and I alternate them every single night. They are cozy and easy for night time diaper changes!

5. Floor seat // I have been using this like c r a z y the past couple of weeks! Its great for outside, watching baby DVDS, watching me make dinner, pretty much anything. She loves sitting up, so this makes my life a lot easier!

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